Playroom Spring Cleaning Using BORAX

I teamed up with 20 Mule Team Borax™ a couple of week to deep clean our family room and play room. We currently have carpet in that area that we are removing eventually and we are trying to keep it clean while we have it. With little ones it is quite a challenge most of the time. This space is used everyday to watch movies, do art projects, play games. It is a fun space for our family, it does get a lot of use during the day.

Since we moved a month ago, it hadn’t been organized and it was starting to feel too chaotic. This space needed help! I needed to do something about it. You can see a few before videos of the space on my feed here

I tried two Borax recipes for to clean this space. And I am happy to report that they worked fantastic!

The first recipe I tried was a multi purpose cleaner mixture. For this recipe you only need warm water, Borax and a spray bottle. Make sure you wear gloves when creating the mixture.

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You can use this multipurpose cleaner to wipe down toys and most surfaces and furniture.

Here is a great Checklist you can use :)

The second recipe I used was this carpet spot cleaner mixture

Did you knew you can use Borax to clean lots of other things that are not necessarily laundry? To be honest I didn’t! So glad we found about Borax many uses, because it is now a staple in our home cleaning supplies. Not only because it does work great, but it is made from natural ingredients, a must in our household.


You can keep a bottle of the multi purpose cleaner already prepared for when accidents happen, just make sure to label the bottle and keep it out of your kids reach.


Tah dah! freshly cleaned space. Lets see how long it lasts -true story-

If you want to check more great recipes using borax make sure you visit this link.

*This blog post was sponsored by Borax but all ideas and opinions are mine.


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